PAGC 2019

Blueprint Genetics is sponsoring the annual meeting of Pennsylvania Association of Genetic Counselors, taking place in Harrisburg on May 9-10, 2019. This year’s agenda is packed with diverse content; read more about the program.

What Blueprint Genetics offers:

  • Unique panel offering across multiple medical specialties, including ophthalmology, cardiology, nephrology, dermatology and immunology
  • We offer high-resolution CNV analysis and ~1500 clinically relevant deep intronic variants
  • Mean sequencing depth of 174x with ≥99.4% of target base pairs covered at ≥20x
  • Customizable NGS panels with easy and cost-effective option to expand to WES
  • Improved diagnostic performance in difficult-to-sequence regions, including PKD1RPGR (ORF15), GBA and SMN1
  • Expert team of laboratory molecular geneticists and clinical specialists who author our detailed clinical reports

Interested to learn more?

Meet us

Meet Blueprint Genetics’ Shea Rauch, MS, CGC to discuss the latest updates in genetic testing.


Meet our representative Shea Rauch at PAGC 2019



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